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The Peer Support Programme (PSP), also known as a Peer Intervention Programme, is an independent and confidential platform. It provides a safe space for pilots to seek advice and assistance for specific issues and report concerns about their colleagues, knowing that their privacy is respected.

If a potential issue is identified, peers can step in to offer support and guidance.

The PSP concept is well-established and has been endorsed by EASA since the 14th of February 2021.

The purpose of the Pilot Peer Support Programme (PPSP) is to provide a confidential, non-judgmental, and stigma-free environment where pilots can seek support for non-emergency issues related to their well-being. This programme is accessible to all pilots employed by a member operator (AOC holder), ensuring they have a safe space to connect with peers or other support functions based on their needs.

The PPSP is designed to offer a range of support services, including listening support, well-being advice (focused on non-specialist, non-clinical lifestyle guidance), empathetic communication, help identifying personal areas for development, and referrals to specialist services when necessary.

Pilots face numerous stressors, including time changes, different sleep environments, operational demands, and personal issues such as family or financial problems. NaviMinds has developed a dedicated pilot peer support programme to help pilots manage these mental and emotional stresses while maintaining high job performance and aviation safety. This program features a network of highly trained pilot peers, mental health professionals (MHPs), and licensed psychologists, and it is available 24/7, 365 days a year.

Before assuming their roles, all peers must undergo mandatory training focused on psychological first aid. This required training ensures that peers are fully qualified and confident in their ability to provide support. The training consists of a 3-day initial session and a yearly 1-day recurrent training.

During their training, pilot peers are thoroughly introduced to the support program and its positive impacts. They also become well-versed in the program’s procedures, including key terms of reference.


No, this program is not an emergency service. If you think your or somebody’s safety is in immediate danger, contact a crisis intervention centre or other emergency services. 

NaviMinds does NOT act as an emergency service provider.


The PPSP is built on a culture of mutual trust and cooperation so that the flight crew is less likely to hide a condition and more likely to report and seek help. Any unnecessary disclosure of personal information or case circumstances will affect the program’s effectiveness.

The confidentiality of the support is absolute. A pilot must be able to seek help with mental well-being or with life-stress problems, either for oneself or for a colleague, without risking exposure.  

The only exception is for cases involving imminent harm or significantly compromising flight safety. In these instances, peers and MHPs can disclose information regarding the person’s safety or the public’s. 

All peers part of the programme will sign a code of conduct and confidentiality agreement. 

The only data the airline management or pilot representatives receives is anonymised and aggregated trends used to make appropriate recommendations for the respective operator as well as for the running of the programme itself. Similarly, Trafik- og Byggestyrelsen or any other NAA has no rights to access the data.

Please indicate the name you would like to be addressed by (this can be a pseudonym) and your email address and/or telephone number. No additional information is needed.

Please refrain from specifying the nature of your concern; simply express an interest in being contacted by a peer. This method minimizes any perceived reluctance and lessens the requirement for written records.

A peer may break confidentiality under very specific and rare circumstances, which are not considered breaches of contract. These situations include:

  1. Threat to Self: If there is an indication that a pilot might be at risk of self-harm or suicide, confidentiality may be broken to ensure their safety.

  2. Threat to the Safety of Others: If a serious threat to others’ safety is identified and the pilot refuses to self-report to the necessary operational or medical authorities, confidentiality may be breached. However, before taking this step, every effort will be made to obtain the pilot’s consent.

  3. Legal Reasons: If a peer becomes aware of a criminal act that has occurred or is likely to occur, the responsibility to disclose this information lies with the MHP, who will follow professional legal guidelines.

  4. Pilot’s Request: If a pilot explicitly asks a peer or MHP to forward their concerns to relevant authorities or individuals, NaviMinds will assist as requested. In such cases, this does not constitute a breach of confidentiality.

In all these situations, confidentiality is only broken after careful consideration, with the primary focus on safety and ethical responsibility.

Requesting peer support

Through the domain https://pilotpeersupportprogramme.com, pilots, crew members, or others can contact the program to receive confidential support.

The initial point of contact requires filling out a simple contact form on our website.

Feel free to contact us and request peer support whenever you feel it might be helpful. The discussion can cover any topic, including:

  • Psychological well-being
  • Distress
  • Work/life balance
  • Relationship issues
  • Career concerns
  • Lack of motivation
  • Intense emotions
  • Sim check concerns
  • Health concerns
  • Bereavement
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Stress
  • And more


You will be paired with a trained and dedicated peer who understands both your personal and professional challenges. Whatever you wish to discuss, they will approach it with empathy and without judgment. Our peers are skilled listeners and supporters, often having faced similar challenges themselves.

Moreover, our peer supporters are backed by an aviation-experienced psychologist, ensuring your concerns are handled with the utmost care and sensitivity.

When you send a contact request, the programme lead will be notified immediately through a secure, SSL-encrypted email. Only NaviMinds’ programme lead can see the information you submit—neither airline management, pilot representatives, nor regulatory bodies will have access. NaviMinds exclusively manages the domain and keeps all rights to the data entered on the site.

The programme lead will then contact you to schedule a convenient time for a call. You can select the most suitable peer for your needs, and the programme lead will connect you with the right person.

If you think a colleague needs help but isn’t asking for it, please don’t hesitate to contact us. You can submit a contact form through our PPSP website: https://pilotpeersupportprogramme.com.

The form should include only non-identifiable information about the pilot and the concern. A peer will call you to gather more details if needed.

We can support you in approaching the pilot. Our aim is to empower you to have a conversation with the pilot yourself. The peer can offer advice on how to approach the situation, what to expect, and how to handle different responses. If you’re uncomfortable, the peer can take the lead. They will engage with the pilot to explore the issue, ensuring that your anonymity is protected at all times. You will not be involved in the direct intervention.

If you believe a family member needs help but isn’t asking for it, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. You can submit a contact form through our PPSP website: https://pilotpeersupportprogramme.com.

The form should include only non-identifiable information about your family member and the concern. If necessary, a peer will contact you to gather more details.

We are here to support you in approaching your family member. Our goal is to empower you to have an open conversation with them. The peer can offer guidance on how to approach the situation, what to expect, and how to handle different responses. If you’re uncomfortable doing so, the peer can take the lead. They will connect with your family member to discuss the issue, while ensuring your anonymity is protected at all times. You will not be involved in the direct intervention.

After your initial conversation with the programme lead, a peer will be assigned based on your specific concerns and needs. You’ll have the opportunity to choose the criteria that best match your situation.

The programme lead will then manually connect you with the most appropriate peer to support you throughout the process.

If you know your assigned peer personally beyond just being work acquaintances, you have the choice to decide whether you feel comfortable discussing your concerns openly with them. If you feel uncomfortable or hesitant to be fully open, simply let your peer know, and we will reassign you to another peer. This ensures that your concerns are handled objectively and with the utmost care.

Yes, please mention this in your contact request form. 

The programme lead will contact you to arrange a mutually convenient time to call. In this initial point of contact, you can decide if you wish to speak to a peer within your own company or outside the company auspice. Note this is only if it is not mentioned in the contact form.

NaviMinds is the sole data controller for the programme and operates without any obligation to airline management or government involvement.

The NaviMinds PPSP operates independently as a third-party provider for member operators, unions, and authorities. This means that neither NaviMinds personnel nor the affiliated Mental Health Professionals (MHPs) are part of any airline organization or pilot representative body.

Peer support process

During your first conversation, your peer will focus on understanding your unique concerns and how best to support you. They will listen carefully to your situation and determine whether they can directly assist you or if they should refer you to more specialized help. While your peer can offer listening support and general well-being advice, they are not qualified to provide clinical advice or make judgments about your fitness to fly.

The conversation will be flexible and guided by your needs, as NaviMinds does not provide a strict script for peers to follow. This ensures the discussion can flow naturally and address the specific issues you wish to explore.

No, peers can’t decide if you’re fit to fly. They’re there to listen, help you figure out your options, and support your decision. If you need more help, they’ll refer you to a professional. Peers and Mental Health Professionals in the program can’t remove a pilot from duty. Only specific authorities, like the airline’s medical department, your AME, or the NAA, can make that decision.

Your case is considered closed when you decide to end the conversations with your assigned peer. If someone else, such as a colleague, friend, or family member, submitted the concern on your behalf, the peer will discuss the concern with you. If you respond rationally and the peer is satisfied that there are no underlying issues, they will report this to the programme lead, who will then mark the case as “closed.”

NaviMinds will not directly refer you to a medical specialist. In cases where your situation exceeds the capabilities of a peer, you will be guided toward appropriate psychological treatment. This will only happen with your agreement and consent.

The programme lead is responsible for overseeing the initial referral process and ensuring it goes in the right direction. However, it’s important that you self-refer to any medical specialist. NaviMinds can provide recommendations for various specialists but will not dictate which one you should choose. Our role is to facilitate the self-referral process and support you throughout.